Sign Up For New Service

Welcome to Jefferson! We're happy to be your new utility provider.  For your convenience, you may fill out the below information to sign up for service.  If you prefer to submit a paper form, you can visit our office at 425 Collins Road, Ste A, Monday through Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.  If you have any questions or concerns, please contact our office at 920.674.7711.


New Address

Mailing Address

Applicant #1 Information

Applicant #1 Identification

You must enter one of the following ID numbers or your application will be rejected.

Applicant #2 Information

Applicant #2 Identification

If providing a second applicant information, you must enter one of the following ID numbers or your application will be rejected.

Previous Address

Landlord Information

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